Fully Professed

Sister Sybil LiberTease

Sister Sybil LiberTease

Abbess (President)

Anastasia Intervention

Anastasia Intervention

Prioress (Sexytary)

Devoida Talent

Devoida Talent

Mistress of Novices (Vice President)

Sister Cardi-Oid K'Boom

Sister Cardi-Oid K'Boom

Mistress of Coffers (Treasurer)

Amanita GoodThyme

Amanita GoodThyme

Mistress of Prides & Celebrations (Hospitaller)


Shonda Leer

Shonda Leer

Patty O'Pounder

Patty O'Pounder

Mistress of Grants & Alms

Linda Near

Linda Near

Croshady Woolsey

Croshady Woolsey



Noah Queer

Noah Queer

Bellabook Anne Candle

Bellabook Anne Candle



Aspirants & Layfolk

Sarah Tonin

Amanda J Sinned

Fenty Love

Members Emeritus

Lady Promiscuous Rex

Lady Promiscuous Rex


Mixed Greens

Mixed Greens


Flambée La Reine

Flambée La Reine


Belly Davis

Belly Davis


Mimosa Bellini

Mimosa Bellini


Hunter Für Bears

Hunter Für Bears


Samudra Kshama

Samudra Kshama


Loosey Für

Loosey Für


Justice Furall

Justice Furall


Sister Mairy Godmother

Sister Mairy Godmother

Mistress of Archives

Saints & Angels

Saint Shutterfly Not-Camera-Shy

Saint Shutterfly Not-Camera-Shy

Colin Murphy (1971-2024) - Sainted for his dedication to chronicling the queerstory of the tri-state area and dedication to serving the Greater St. Louis Metro Area as a voice of Activism and Equality.

Saint Dieta, Our Lady of Giving and Guidance

Saint Dieta, Our Lady of Giving and Guidance

Jordan Elizabeth Braxton - Sainted for her dedication to the City of St. Louis and its wellbeing, and the tireless promotion of Equality, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Saint Night Knight

Saint Night Knight

Also known as Mother Diana Wheeler, she is a much-beloved Deacon in the Episcopal Church and a longtime friend of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Founding Magistra of the Companions of Dorothy the Worker as well as a member of the Third Order of the Society of Saint Francis. Originally Sainted in San Francisco, she has been adopted by (or has adopted) the Abbey of the Glittering Arch and is an important and ever-present part of our family.

Saint Michelle, Our Lady of Razzle and Dazzle

Saint Michelle, Our Lady of Razzle and Dazzle

Michelle McCausland - Michelle played a pivotal role in dismantling the Masquerading laws in St. Louis through her advocacy and exquisite wit, Her dedication and strategic efforts led to the repeal of these discriminatory laws, marking a significant victory for equality and justice in the city she loved.

James Pence - Angel

James Pence - Angel

Owner - Bar:PM - His courage in the face of adversity and unfailing commitment to the Sisters and to the Community has shown the light of the halo he wears.

Chad Wick - Angel

Chad Wick - Angel

Owner - Bar:PM - His courage in the face of adversity and unfailing commitment to the Sisters and to the Community has shown the light of the halo he wears.


Honoring Those Who Have Come Before Us

Abbess Ellawhore Von Tramp

Original Founder and First Abbess of the Fourth City Sisters